Thursday, July 10, 2008

Remember Rowdy and Help Boston Terrier Rescue of Greater Houston!

We’re having another exciting raffle! All proceeds from this raffle will benefit BTRGH and will help us pay our medical bills for 2008. As you probably already know, we do not refuse any dog, regardless of his or her background or medical condition. Because of our efforts to save Rowdy’s life, our bill already totals $13,000. Rowdy came into rescue with very severe heartworm disease and he had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the heartworms through his jugular vein. He survived this delicate and intense procedure, but he passed away several days later. Even though we couldn't save Rowdy, your generous support will ensure that we have the necessary resources to save other Boston Terriers in need. Click on Rowdy's picture (or click on the RAFFLE link on the right) to purchase your raffle tickets today! Remember that this is a progressive raffle so the earlier you purchase tickets, the greater your chances to win! Buy lots of tickets and good luck! If you want to learn about other ways to help Boston Terrier Rescue of Greater Houston, check out the SUPPORT BTRGH Links on the right.

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